I’m looking forward to being part of this inspirational Public Speaking conference on Thursday 26th September at The Forum, Norwich
I will be running a session on Vocal Exercises and Using Your Voice Effectively.Tickets are available here
Public Speaking for Business, Leadership and Life
It was really good to be doing some filming again recently. Here’s me during a very late night in Suffolk working on a new feature film. I’ll post more details when I can!
Singing for Wellbeing with Lisa Redford
I’ve recently started another run of my popular Singing for Wellbeing courses which is currently at St Peter Mancroft in Norwich. If you would be interested in a singing, ukulele or guitar workshop, please get in touch. More details on the Courses and Workshops page.
Stumpy Sanderson’s 1970s Stories, Poppyland Radio
It was really fun to be a guest on Stumpy Sanderson’s 1970s Stories at Poppyland Radio recently talking about my favourite 70s songs, music career, songwriting & teaching. Find out how to listen again here
Happy New Year! Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and productive 2024.
“A fine voice from a fine city!” Such an exciting start to the year – I have a lovely in-depth interview/feature in the new January issue of Suffolk Norfolk Life magazine. Available in WH Smith, local shops, from their website or call 01728 622030 to buy a copy for £3.50 (plus postage).
It was really nice to speak to John Kerrison about my music career, songwriting, private teaching, music courses & well-being sessions for Adult Learning, as well as my work as a supporting artist in some Norfolk and Suffolk films and TV shows.
Do you know anyone who would like to learn to play guitar or ukulele in 2024? Or have you always wanted to learn how to sing? I am running one-to-one and small group lessons in Norwich NR2 at the beautiful Christ Church. Fun sessions tailored just for you with flexible times. A safe and welcoming space, no previous experience needed! Please contact me at parrotrecords@gmail.com
Excited to share that I will be performing at the excellent First Light Lowestoft in sunny Suffolk on Sunday 18th June. Among its amazing and eclectic line-up is Eliza Carthy and Tom McRae – two incredible artists that I have had the honour of opening for. Full line up at https://firstlightlowestoft.com
It’s been really fun putting together this little video of images and clips from various TV shows and film projects I have worked on. I have really enjoyed the process of filming and exploring another creative outlet, as well as getting to wear fabulous costumes!
Lisa Redford Showreel Video
Ukulele Courses, Adult Learning
After a really fun Ukulele for Improvers course, I’m running two ukulele courses for Adult Learning next term: Ukulele for Beginners and Ukulele for Improvers. Find out about these courses and many more #creative workshops and courses for spring here
Ukulele courses with Lisa Redford for Adult Learning
Joyful last session for the final week of my Singing for Wellbeing course at Wensum Lodge for Adult Learning. Thanks to my lovely learners for all their kind words and feedback. During the course we’ve had fun exploring popular music genres and songs. Videos are on my Facebook and Instagram as well as details of any further singing sessions.
Singing for Wellbeing course with Lisa Redford at Wensum Lodge, Norwich for Adult Learning, Norfolk County Council
Really nice to see my recent interview with the Eastern Daily Press newspaper is now online. The link is here
As the interview mentions, I’ve been really invested in my teaching and sharing my passion for music, with beginner guitar and ukulele courses and community singing, I’ve recently finished teaching my first Singing for Wellbeing courses and look forward to running more inspiring singing sessions and music courses next year. Wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas and happy and fulfilling 2023!
Lisa Redford – Community Singing Sessions at the Millennium Library, Norwich
When I started the fun and free #community#singing sessions in Norwich libraries earlier this year, I didn’t think it would continue to grow. I’m excited to be starting a new #online singing group from June 6 – July 11 for Viewpoint – a mental health service user charity based in Hertfordshire.
I’ve also been really enjoying running my beginner ukulele and guitar courses at Wensum Lodge this summer term. It’s been so rewarding and fun to teach in-person again after so long and share my passion for both instruments. I’m also resuming my one to one music lessons in-person and have a new teaching venue: the beautiful Christ Church, just off Mile End Road at NR2 2AQ. If you would like to find out more, please get in contact.
Viewpoint Singing Group
I’m also continuing to enjoy a mixture of acting roles. I had a great time recently filming in a beautiful North Norfolk beachside location, part of a fascinating true story and playing a glamorous party girl. It’s exciting to finally see projects coming on to the screen and I’m really looking forward to seeing ‘This England’ on Sky TV later this year in which I play a journalist in one scene. Kenneth Branagh looking and sounding remarkably like Boris Johnson!
Playing a party girl in upcoming crime documentary
Upcoming Gigs!
Really excited that I will be performing on Thursday 30th June at The Reindeer Norwich with wonderful award-winning Americana duo, The Weeping Willows from Melbourne, Australia. The free gig will be part of their upcoming UK tour which also includes a performance at this year’s Maverick Festival.
I’m also looking forward to returning to the lovely Reepham Festival; performing at Whitwell Station on Sunday, August 6th. More details on their official website and the shows page.
I’m really excited to be running beginner ukulele and guitar courses at Wensum Lodge for the first time starting April 25th. They are part of a programme of new and exciting creative, language and wellbeing courses which include Stained Glass; Botanical Art and Architectural Drawing; Latin; Philosophy; Textiles upcycling and alterations; Yoga; Polish language; Photography and Creative Writing. Here are some nice new flyers from Adult Learning for the courses and there are also taster sessions happening next week. To find out more details and to book, please visit here
Introduction to Guitar and Ukulele Taster sessionsCommunity Singing Sessions – Warming up
How joyous is this photo! The community singing sessions I have been running at Earlham Library and The Millennium Library in Norwich have been lots of fun to do and so rewarding too. To hear comments from people saying that I’ve made their day and really cheered them up means such a lot. I’ve also had some great song requests and it’s been lovely to see people coming back each week to sing classic songs together. Thanks so much to everyone who has come along to a session and all the kind words. There are video clips of some of the singalongs at The Millennium Library’s Facebook Page
A community singing session at Earlham Library, NorwichSinging at the The Norfolk and Norwich Millennium LibraryA lovely piece at Folk Features on why singing and music means so much to me
I’m also looking forward to playing some gigs and festivals soon. Check out the shows page where I will be posting details of live shows.
Live at the Canopy Theatre, Suffolk. Photo by Rodney Kidd
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas. Thanks so much to all of you who have supported my music and teaching during what has been such a challenging year for so many of us. In the words of this lovely Greg Lake song which I have covered acoustically:
‘I wish you a hopeful Christmas. I wish you a brave New Year. All anguish, pain and sadness. Leave your heart and let your road be clear.’ Keep safe and here’s hoping for a brighter 2021.
‘This Fine City’ Live Acoustic Version
Thanks so much to everyone who has supported fundraising single for Future Radio#ThisFineCity a song of hope and community during this difficult time. I wrote the song on my acoustic guitar so thought I would share with you a live acoustic version of the song not long after I had finished it ~ thank you so much for watching and singing along!
I know we’ve been low, living the unknown I believe within these city walls We’ll rise above – it all ❤️
Huge thanks to all the radio shows that have played the song and interviewed me about it including Foz at BBC Radio Suffolk, The Acoustic Cafe Radio Show, Readit Radio Show, Acoustic Routes, Blues and Roots radio (online from Canada), Radio Nowhere (online from USA), Online radio Box.Reach On Air, CHBN, Forest Folk, Radio Stradbroke and many more mentioned in the previous post. I also chatted to Rob Butler for Norwich City show The Scrimmage on BBC Radio Norfolk and introduced the single on the BBC Upload show with Sophie Little: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08zgktw
I also did a nice interview for Vanilla magazine here
Songwriting Magazine Winter 2020 issue.
As many of you know I love to write about music and songwriting and am excited to see my article On Location featuring in the new Winter issue of Songwriting Magazine Inspired by the recent fundraising single for Future Radio which was written about #Norwich I have looked into how location has provided inspiration for various acclaimed songwriters.
The Winter 2020 issue #23 features Gary Barlow, Wayne Coyne, Bróna McVittie, KT Tunstall, Tom Walker, Elles Bailey, Blair Dunlop, Passenger, Mike Batt and more. Purchase through Pocketmags here
A little Christmas treat for you all! Just filmed some live acoustic session songs for my YouTube channel including original festive song ‘When Christmas Comes Around’ which was recently played on BBC Suffolk Introducing and BBC Radio Norfolk. I also played two older songs as special requests – ‘Turn Away’ and ‘When You Come Home’ – it’s been really nice to revisit some of my older material. Thank you so much for watching and all the support this year.