I hope that you’re keeping safe and well. As many of you know from my social media posts, I’ve been continuing to keep creative with various projects and live streams and I really enjoyed putting this special clips video together for my song “Summer on the L” – all about my time living in New York City – making friends and memories, the highs and lows, and performing and recording there as an artist.
Footage includes clips from inside and outside the Dakota Building, Times Square, Brooklyn, Central Park, 4th of July fireworks, Governors Island, the short film ‘Q to the 6 Train’ (for which I wrote the original score) as well as recording in the studio and live performances from The New York Songwriters Circle and Alive with Clive TV show. Thanks so much for watching this very personal video and all the love for this particular song during my recent live streams.
I always love collaborating with other artists and also hearing my songs remixed. Thanks to Phillip Coady – who has remixed tracks of mine in the past, on SoundCloud – for this gorgeous, dreamy electronic mix of ‘Edge of Love’ ❤️ the title track of my latest EP. Thanks for giving it a listen and huge thanks to Park RadioBBC SuffolkBBC Music Introducing in Suffolk for the airplay.
Country in the Kitchen podcast
It was lovely to be interviewed for Country In The Kitchen Podcast last week; a great podcast that features guests from the UK independent country music scene. I talked to host Tessa-Leanne Snart about being creative during lockdown with the release of ‘From Afar’, being an independent artist and arts/music columnist, the UK country music scene and more. The episode, Volume 15, is now available to listen to and download at PodbeaniTunes and Spotify
I’ve also recorded a live acoustic session for Russell Hill’s Country Music Show. This will be broadcast on Sunday August 9th between 11am and 2pm.
Live acoustic session for Reepham Festival
Live stream gig at Facebook
Talking of live music, I’ve been doing some acoustic live streams from my own Facebook and also for festivals including Buckle and Boots and SW20 spring festival. I’m planning more and always love to hear your requests. This weekend on Saturday August 8th I’m doing a special acoustic live session for Reepham Festival between 6pm and 9pm I’ve also been continuing to play acoustic requests at my YouTube channel including this beautiful and timeless Sandy Denny song.
Cover of Sandy Denny “Who Knows Where the Time Goes”
I’ve still been getting lots of love for lockdown single ‘From Afar’ and recently posted a ukulele version – thanks so much to those of you who have purchased the song from my Bandcamp page
Very excited to share my brand new music video! for my song ‘Be Around’. Huge thanks to Claudia Taveira Photography
I’ve also just recorded a live acoustic cover of this beautiful Kate Bush song. One of my favourite songs of hers. Can’t wait for her Before The Dawn Tour!
Thanks so much to Ramsey Sounds for 2 cool electro remixes of my summer song ‘Summer on the L’ and acoustic track ‘So Many Words’
Exciting news! I’m a new monthly columnist for the excellent Songwriting Magazine. First feature is dealing with writer’s block What do you songwriters out there do to rediscover your musical muse? would love to hear your thoughts. I absolutely love writing about music and songwriting and there will be lots more features to come!
Now available to listen again: My interview on Texas radio show ‘The Blend’ plus lots of my songs featured! Many thanks to Gary for his huge support. Click this link
Free download! My vocals are on this brand new excellent remix of Bastille’s ‘Pompeii’by Snapd!
Hey everyone and a special happy 4th of July to my dear US friends and fans!
Thanks to those who came to the recent gigs and for making them such a fun success. Thanks also for all the CD orders. All releases including the new ‘Reminders’ EP plus signed postcards are available at the online store on the store link.
As I’ve said before, because of my electro/dance music past, I love when my songs are remixed and already ‘Reminders’ has had some excellent remixes from the brilliant Digital Pilots, Music from the Manshed and Amine Beat from Algeria. I’m also working on various tracks for producers across Europe. More mixes to come!
Getting ready to go on the road again this week! Thanks so much for all the downloads and purchases so far of ‘Reminders’ out now on iTunes, Amazon, Play.com and more. Also, brand new radio interview now online from the last time on the road: https://soundcloud.com/playersounds/interview-lisa-redford-april
I’ve also still been busy writing lyrics and adding vocals to some cool dance tracks. Plus there are some great remixes of ‘Reminders’ coming out shortly!
I’ve also been busy writing lyrics and adding vocals to some cool dance tracks. In the past 2 weeks alone I have written and recorded for producers and DJ’s in the UK, Norway, Israel, Algeria and Morocco! Tracks to come on Soundcloud and if any dance producers want a lyricist and vocalist get in touch!
Another week, another cool electro remix of one of my songs! Here’s a great remix of my original acoustic song ‘Call Me’ (which has previous had 2 cool remixes).
Thanks to Music from the Manshed for this cool catchy electro pop remix! get dancing! I know I am!
Hot on the heels of the ‘Come Back Down’ remix, Music from the Manshed has done another remix, this time my heartfelt acoustic song ‘New York Song’ (also from ‘Clouds with Silver’).
Because of my electro/dance music past, I LOVE it when people remix my songs. The latest is a cool electronic remix of the acoustic band track ‘Come Back Down’ (from ‘Clouds with Silver’) by Music from the Manshedwww.musicfromthemanshed.com