Playing at Norwich Sound and Vision Festival and New Live Photos!

Live shot from my Bicycle Shop Norwich gig. Photo by Sylvie Varnier. More photos in the Bicycle Shop Concert album on my facebook page.

Very excited to be playing at the PRS for Music opening reception tomorrow for Norwich Sound and Vision Festival! On at 5pm at Norwich Arts Centre. My page on the site here.

Live Session on BBC Radio Cambs this Friday

Live at Weyfest – Photo by Max West

Excited to be doing a live session on Sue Marchant’s ‘Big Night In’ on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Essex, Suffolk and three counties at 9pm this Friday September 21st. I’ll be playing tracks from ‘Reminders’ and chatting to Sue about my career and upcoming homecoming headline at Bicycle Shop Norwich. Tune in if you can and there will also be a listen again link.

Thanks also to Concrete for this piece about the upcoming homecoming headline at The Bicycle Shop, Norwich.