New Christmas Single Out Today! Reviews, Columns, Videos

I’ve been working hard lately recording my new acoustic Christmas single myself and it’s out today! ‘When Christmas Comes Around’ is all about spending time with loved ones over the festive period and is available at my Bandcamp.

And here’s a little video:

“If this song isn’t perfect for a cold night in, then nothing is.” Thanks so much to Belles and Gals for featuring the song and also Foz at BBC Radio Suffolk for already giving it some airplay.

Talking of Belles and Gals, who have given me so much support this year. I’m thrilled and surprised to be nominated for Best UK EP at the Belles and Gals Awards. Really lovely for my hard work to be recognised and supported:

“Lisa’s music is a beautiful blend of the sweetest style of country and the purest sound of folk music”. Thanks so much to Building Our Own Nashville for this amazing review of the EP.

I’ve also been continuing to write my music columns and here’s my latest column for All Things Norfolk

As mentioned last time, I’m honoured to have a track on beautiful charity compilation Postcards For Peace among many wonderful artists including Linda Thompson, Kris DreverPeggy Seeger Boo Hewerdine Hothouse Flowers. Also features ‘Courage’ (piano version) the debut single I wrote for Breeze Redwine. It is officially released next February but you can buy it now from the PFP website and all money will go directly back into the charity. Would make a great Christmas present! So wonderful it managed to raise the funds needed.
26 songs of war and peace, of hope and of love, of living life to the full, of not giving up and of having the courage to face adversity..

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and thanks so much for all the support, it really means a lot and keeps me creating music! xxx

New Videos from Epic Studios and Another Amazing Review of ‘Reminders’

Now online! Brand new videos from this week’s fun session Epic Studios here’s ‘Reminders’ and more to come!

Plus there’s another amazing review of ‘Reminders’ in a review of ‘IndieVidual’ Vol 1, a brand new excellent compilation now on iTunes Huge thanks to Rock N Roll in My Soul an honour to be compared to one of my musical heroes Neil Young!

‘Reminders by Lisa Redford is haunting. With one of the most unique vocals I’ve heard, comprised of an intrinsic sorrow and empathy, this song reminds me very much of Neil Young; the soft, pounding melody is delicately powerful, made up of acoustic embers and possession almost surreal dimension. It’s truly an artist’s song that channels genuine experience, emotions and pain’