Neal Casal

Beautiful tributes coming in for Neal Casal. Been feeling heartbroken at the loss of someone who was a huge musical inspiration to me. World class musician, singer/songwriter, photographer and such a warm, kind soul.
He provided huge encouragement when I was starting my career. I loved his music so much I would perform and cover his beautiful songs. He said it meant a lot to him that I covered his amazing track ‘Fell on Hard Times’ and put it on one of my albums.
A true artist – I can’t believe he’s gone.…/jay-blakesberg-shares-memories-of-…/…

A message I’ll treasure from Neal who wrote these lovely words to me about my album ‘Clouds with Silver.’ It meant the world to me.
Sweet memories of seeing Neal and his amazing band  performing in Europe. Good times.
Such an honour to be photographed by Neal in London.
Just some of Neal’s amazing releases.
Cool feature in French magazine Crossroads
Live one-off performance I did of his wonderful and emotional song “Fell on Hard Times” at Norwich Arts Centre – such great and powerful lyrics – during a UK headline tour.